Paintings & Drawings
I’ve been making and showing my work since 1997 — what’s pictured here on this site is just a small collection. I have literally hundreds of paintings and drawings and I’m happy to send you images if you’d like to see more.
The pieces picked here were chosen because they’re some of my favorites to look at online and are relatively well-suited to that purpose. This is not an exhaustive collection by any means.
There were things that were hidden, 2022; ink on paper, 12 x 16
I had some real questions, 2022; ink and pencil on paper, 12 x 16
We would tell each other secrets, 2007; watercolor and pencil on brown paper, 12 x 12
This is how it would start, 2007; watercolor on brown paper, 12 x 12
Collection of various small drawings, 2011-12; watercolor on paper
Collection of various small drawings, 2011-12; watercolor on paper
I thought about the fights I had with myself, 2007